I agree with the Dear Author review on this - the book is fun and entertaining, but it jars in the sense that the entire premise seems implausible in the time period. Love the hero Jude, though. Love love love.
Good reference for surface info and a bit of detail. Doesn't really delve into the culture so much as a catalogue of archaelogical evidence and some mythology. Nothing about societal workings (i.e., marriage customs, family group customs aside from religious possibilities) also assumes religious significance for all art - doesn't really allow for the possibility of art for enjoyment/beauty.
Eye-opening and ridiculously easy to read. Pollan's style makes mucking through the technical stuff so easy you don't even notice it. Great discussion of something that affects every person on the globe - food.
I wish there was a way to give 3.5 stars. Stephenson's writing style just didn't resonate with me. As much as the research and prose were excellent, I never felt invested in the characters. I felt more like a spectator than a reader, if that makes sense.
Connected novellas are always a tricky proposition, but Barbosa does a lovely job of hooking them together but letting them stand alone. Interesting concepts for each story and intriguing characters.
Love Jane as a character. She's fantastic, absolutely wonderful. Plot is interesting, Grant is sexy without being a total jerk. But, really, this book is all about the awesome of Jane.